The work below is an unmistakable copy of that classic by Degas entitled "Two Ballerinas", the original of which is currently on exhibit at the Courtauld Institute Gallery in London, England. Our research has determined that this original has not recently been on auction by either Sotheby's or Christie's. We would imagine that the auction price would be somewhere between $7.5 to $45 million.
One of America's top current collectors of Impressionistic works is billionaire Steve Wynn, who has been known to spend up to $45 million within a 24 hour period. A few years ago, Mr. Wynn at a chance meeting at the Piano Bar at the Pirate's Cove in Las Vegas, conversed with our blog host J. Henry. After a half hour chat, our blog host found Mr. Wynn to be a very amicable, down to earth individual. He thoroughly enjoyed conversing with this hotel mogul and art savant. If the opportunity arose, he would enjoy continuing the conversation in the future.
- ed.

The above mystery artist has demonstrated, through use of fine brush strokes and blending pastel backgrounds, their ability as an established expert in Impressionistic painting. Starting from the top, we notice in the first two images an incredible similarity to Degas' work with ballerinas. How can work by such an unknown artist look so much like the original ?

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